During the first hundred years from its formation the united States of America became the most powerful and prosperous country in the world. It came to be recognized as being the bastion of freedom, the home of liberty, and the land of opportunity. Immigrants from all parts of the globe immigrated to the U.S.A. in order to realize the American Dream.

Its core was the understanding that all people are entitled to the fruits of their labor and that the government has no authority to confiscate the property (earnings) of its people without their consent.

The reason for its immediate growth is the fact that it was built on Biblical principles. Its growth and success was based on faith and belief that the Almighty Creator, and not a government, is our Provider. Its foundation was the implementation of sound money to be used with honest weights and measures in a Free Market economic system.

Unfortunately, in its second hundred years, certain powerful forces gained control of the government and took measures to extend that control to the monetary system and all other aspects of our lives, and promoted the false concept that people should expect their government to take care of them, thereby making the people subservient to the government. Efforts were put forth to usurp power and authority from the people and the states and give it to the Federal government. So too, confiscatory taxes were enacted that served to slow down and stifle the economy and cause an increasingly greater number of its people to become dependent upon it. The land of opportunity was slowly but steadily transformed into the land of entitlements.

We have now come to the point as a nation whereby the private sector is no longer capable of supporting the public sector. Government debt has grown astronomically to levels which render it incapable of ever satisfying them. Yet to placate its creditor masters, the government is striving to increase taxes even more even though that measure will further discourage economic growth and exacerbate our national debt crisis.

Simultaneously, in order to control the potentially hostile masses and under the banner of national security rights, liberties have been denied through egregious legislation by a legislative body that had no authority. Then worse of all, the government is getting increasingly hostile to its people. Americans have come to realize that their elected officials no longer care what they have to say or the officials are not moved by our complaints. They have become destructive to the people!