The Revolutionary War and Governance
March, 1770. Boston. British troops fired on unarmed citizens protesting multiple taxes, killing 5. Known as the Boston Massacre, some believe these were the first shots of the Revolutionary War.
September, 1774. Philadelphia. First Continental Congress. Delegates adopt the Declaration of Personal Rights and denounce Taxation Without Representation. They
petition the British Crown for a redress of grievances, and call for a boycott of British goods. The Revolutionary leaders also sought to eliminate Tories or Loyalists from old militias. They started planning for the form of governance of which they would build on.
April 19, 1775. Lexington and Concord. More commonly known as the First Shots of the Revolutionary War than those shots by the British in Boston. Here, the
militias confronted the British troops in a more organized manner.
July 4, 1776. The 2nd Continental Congress adopts the Declaration of Independence stating the need to dissolve the political bands and declare the causes which impelled them to the separation. Also stating the history of the present king, of repeated injuries, and having established an absolute tyranny over the states. “To prove this, let the facts be submitted to a candid world.”
November 15, 1777. The Continental Congress adopted the Articles of Confederation, the first constitution.
May, 1787. Four years after victory in the Revolutionary War, the Constitutional Convention assembled to revise the Articles of Confederation. Mid-June, delegates
decided to redesign the government. After three days of debate, the original Constitution was signed. The new document limited power of the central government and left powers up to the thirteen free and independent states.
December, 1791. The Bill of Rights ratified the first 10 amendments to the Constitution, giving more rights to the people and limiting the government. Giving the people the right to protect those rights with armed force if necessary.
The forefathers of this developing country had a two plan approach.
Plan A: To organize the local militias into an army, prepared to fight.
Plan B: To establish a form of government, a Constitutional Republic, becoming the law of the land following victory over tyranny.
As we approach the November 5, 2024 election, some are questioning the future of these United States. Looking again at two plans.
Plan A: Many are calling this election a battle and are hoping a Trump and congressional victory will save us. Some think politicians and courts will save us, and others, only a civil war.
Plan B: Whatever the battle may be, there will be a need for governance. There are those calling for the “saving of their democracy”, which was not the intention of the founders.
Their plan was a Constitutional Republic.
The Restoration War and Governance
Any battle will need to be for the restoration of this nation in full compliance with the founding documents.
Who will be able to carry out that restoration? Present day politicians, lawyers, courts, or an educated citizenry, able to conduct governance of their local counties, states, and control the workings of a Federal government within the framework of the original Constitution?
David A Myers
We the People have a right to assemble.
The First Amendment states that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
People have the highest level of authority in our lawful government, and therefore, we need to responsibly assemble to address issues and solve problems.
We must demonstrate that we are able to responsibly self-govern by holding regular meetings and establishing a written record of those meetings. Responsible, self-governance is the foundation of American Common Law.
County Assemblies
There are 72 Counties in Wisconsin. Each county must establish its own assembly of a minimum of 13 people. This would be enough people to form a Petite Jury of 12 people with one alternate.
Nation-State Assemblies
Each state is a sovereign Nation State unto itself. The Wisconsin DeJure Assembly must have a minimum of 30 people: 25 to form a Grand Jury with 5 alternates.
When the Founding Fathers of the 13 colonies started our government, they each represented their particular land areas and they formed what were then called “Jural Assemblies” which were a group of local people who came together at their local meeting halls to discuss how to self-govern their county and Nation-States under Common Law (each state is a sovereign nation unto itself). Counties and Nation-States across America are once again forming Jural Assemblies to take a stand for We the People that will restore our lawful government.
Regardless of your political affiliation, we are all American's first. We are living men and women standing on the soil and land of Wisconsin. We are a non-partisan, peaceful, respectful group seeking like-minded loving souls to accelerate the tipping point of living person, one respectful, mindful meeting at a time.
The government envisioned by our founding fathers had reasoned checks and balances to protect we the people. It begins with the people as the highest level of authority. However, the incorporated fictional, foreign entities pretending to be our lawful government have inverted the power structure to the point of We the People being enslaved by the Corporatocracy that purports to be our Government. By returning your God-given rights of your living soul to the soil of your residence here in Wisconsin, you reclaim your true self and your true governance.
Congress enacted the Act of 1871, which President Ulysses S. Grant signed into law. This Act created the corporate UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (all capital letters) with which to govern Washington DC. This new corporate entity then enticed the states to likewise incorporate. Wisconsin, a Free and Independent state, as an example, became the corporate State of Wisconsin. Next, they took steps to turn the sovereign people of the states into citizens of this imposter government. Having done so, our nation ceased to be a Biblical Constitutional Republic. Since then, elected officials have been serving their international employers rather than the people who elected them.
We the People, however, are of the understanding and belief that we live in and are being governed by the united States Republic. This is demonstrated by the Pledge of Allegiance that is regularly recited as follows:
"We pledge allegiance to the flag of the united States of America and to the Republic for which it stands . . .” [Emphasis added]
We do not pledge allegiance to the “corporation for which it stands”, but rather to the Republic. The fact of the matter is that we did not expatriate ourselves from the Republic in order to join the corporate, de facto government. Rather, the corporation has been using unlawful tactics to draw “We The People” under their control.
The tactics are centered on the use of Marriage Licenses, Birth Certificates, Drivers Licenses, Bank Accounts, and Social Security as a result of the 14thAmendment. All contain adhesion contracts. Having acquired any or all of these adhesions we unknowingly give the government authority over us. For example, marriage licenses make the government a third party to marriages and give it ownership of the children produced by the unions. They also make users liable for the Income Tax that otherwise would pertain to only the people of Washington DC. Then, furthermore, they give the states the right to demand licenses to travel and operate businesses. All of these things have served to systematically deprive We the people of our natural rights and subject us to power- mongering governmental authorities.
Again, “We The People” did not leave nor did we ever attempt to leave or expatriate ourselves from the Constitutional Republic. To our surprise and dismay we find that it was hijacked from us by elected officials who converted it to a corporation owned by foreigners. Now that we are aware of the truth, it is our right and our duty to restore our land to its lawful status. To do this we do not have to resort to revolution, riot, or military coup. Instead, the strategy is to accomplish the objective by relying exclusively on the truth and the pen.
During the first hundred years from its formation the united States of America became the most powerful and prosperous country in the world. It came to be recognized as being the bastion of freedom, the home of liberty, and the land of opportunity. Immigrants from all parts of the globe immigrated to the U.S.A. in order to realize the American Dream.
Its core was the understanding that all people are entitled to the fruits of their labor and that the government has no authority to confiscate the property (earnings) of its people without their consent.
The reason for its immediate growth is the fact that it was built on Biblical principles. Its growth and success was based on faith and belief that the Almighty Creator, and not a government, is our Provider. Its foundation was the implementation of sound money to be used with honest weights and measures in a Free Market economic system.
Unfortunately, in its second hundred years, certain powerful forces gained control of the government and took measures to extend that control to the monetary system and all other aspects of our lives, and promoted the false concept that people should expect their government to take care of them, thereby making the people subservient to the government. Efforts were put forth to usurp power and authority from the people and the states and give it to the Federal government. So too, confiscatory taxes were enacted that served to slow down and stifle the economy and cause an increasingly greater number of its people to become dependent upon it. The land of opportunity was slowly but steadily transformed into the land of entitlements.
We have now come to the point as a nation whereby the private sector is no longer capable of supporting the public sector. Government debt has grown astronomically to levels which render it incapable of ever satisfying them. Yet to placate its creditor masters, the government is striving to increase taxes even more even though that measure will further discourage economic growth and exacerbate our national debt crisis.
Simultaneously, in order to control the potentially hostile masses and under the banner of national security rights, liberties have been denied through egregious legislation by a legislative body that had no authority. Then worse of all, the government is getting increasingly hostile to its people. Americans have come to realize that their elected officials no longer care what they have to say or the officials are not moved by our complaints. They have become destructive to the people!